Your relationship should be the one place where you don’t have to worry about your position. You should have a sense of assurance from your partner that no matter what happens, you will always be the top priority. It is a big relief when your partner ensures of keeping you above everything else in life. But, when it’s obvious that you are not your partner’s top priority then everything seems baseless in a relationship.
The one who claims of love if can’t put you on top priority then what else would you expect in your life. As a couple, both partner take care of each other’s needs and desires. However, if you feel that you are giving all in your might but your partner is not reciprocating then there is no use of keeping such kind of relationship.
In life, it’s an important decision to make that somebody you love and want to spend the rest of your life with is also willing to show selfless characteristics as you do. Somebody you love must not be preoccupied in fulfilling own needs and desires that you become a secondary thing.
Another important behavior you need to notice in your relationship is to make sure that your partner is not a selfish person. Because if this is the scenario then you cannot expect from your partner to give you an equal importance. They will make you happy till they get what they desire but when they stop receiving their own interest then from that moment onward you will see drastic change in their personality.
Living with a selfish person gains you pain, sorrow, drama, and regret. You stay unhappy through the duration of your romance time. It also has toll on your mental and physical healthy. Therefore, when you are in a relationship, you should ensure that your partner doesn’t take you second or you should look forward to finding someone you deserve better. Does your partner do any of the following?
1. They don’t care about your expectations.
Have you ever been through a time when you were being asked for your expectations from the relationship? When you begin your journey with your partner, you keep some expectations as a couple and you expect them to take care of your needs. All this time, if you have just felt that your desires have not been taken care of as they supposed to be then you need to think about the future of your relationship.
2. They don’t give you attention.
Someone who is close to you is actually felt close when you know that they give you their whole attention. They make you feel that they are listening but they aren’t and because you can judge that when you ask them what you’ve just said and they have no clue about it. Perhaps, you don’t have much worth in their life.
3. They manipulate aspects of your life.
Even if you want to take control of your life, they will make you feel that you not experienced enough to handle things the way they would do. They try to undermine your ability to control your life matters so that they can manipulate aspects on their wish.
4. They conveniently cancel on you.
They don’t put you on top priority therefore it’s convenient for them to cancel on you whenever they feel like it. They don’t care about hurting your feelings because they rather have plenty of time for other things in their life.
5. They disappoint you with their promises.
They tend to make promises in the intimate moments but they don’t remember their words afterwards. Your partner would disappoint you every time when promises are made and they’ll break all easily with an excuse.
If your partner does what is mentioned above then these red flags are indicating to move on and find someone who would give you top priority in every way.
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